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更新日期: 2022-01-01

1. 關於我們使用cookies的信息

全人發展顧問有限公司的營業地點為觀塘偉業街189號金寶工業大廈2樓31室("我們"),經營網站"網站")及其他應用程序和API(統稱 "服務")。


2. 什麼是cookies?



  • 您訪問本服務的互聯網域和IP地址。
  • 用於訪問服務的瀏覽器軟件和操作系統的類型以及設備的類型。
  • 您訪問服務的日期和時間。
  • 如果您從其他網站鏈接到本服務,該網站的地址;以及
  • 您進入、訪問和退出服務的網頁或鏈接。

我們還使用其他技術,如網絡信標、跟蹤URL或SDK(軟件開發工具包)。網絡信標是包含唯一標識符的小型圖形文件,使我們能夠檢查您是否訪問過某些內容,跟蹤URL幫助我們瞭解我們服務的流量來自何處,而SDK是一套允許創建應用程序的程序和工具,其工作原理類似於cookies和網絡信標。在本Cookie政策中,所有這些技術將被視為 "Cookies"。



3. Cookies的使用


  • 嚴格必要的cookies。 這些是服務運作所需的cookies,例如,包括使您能夠登錄服務安全區域的cookies。 它們包括一些功能,例如,社會媒體插件。
  • 分析/性能cookies。 這些cookies使我們能夠識別和計算訪問者的數量,並瞭解訪問者如何移動和使用我們的服務。這有助於我們改進我們的服務工作方式,例如,確保用戶很容易找到他們正在尋找的東西。這些cookies也被用來幫助我們瞭解用戶的興趣所在,並衡量我們的廣告效果如何。
  • 功能性的cookies。 這些用於在您返回服務時識別您的身份。這使我們能夠為您提供個性化的內容,用您的名字打招呼,並記住您的偏好,例如,您選擇的語言或地區,瀏覽的字體大小等。
  • 基於位置的cookies。當你在香港時,這些cookies被用來建議附近感興趣的地方,給予點對點的導航以識別你的位置,並向你發送基於位置的推送通知。
  • 針對性的cookies。這些cookies記錄了您對服務的訪問,您所訪問的頁面和您所遵循的鏈接。我們將使用這些信息,使我們的服務和其上顯示的任何材料與您的興趣更加相關。我們也可能為此目的與第三方分享這些信息;以及
  • 廣告cookies。 這些cookies將記住您的偏好,以及在一般情況下,您使用服務的情況,以便為您和您的興趣定制廣告。這些cookies也被用來限制你看到廣告的次數,以及幫助衡量廣告的有效性。



  • 歌--我們的網站和服務嵌入了谷歌的服務/工具,如 "谷歌地圖 "和 "谷歌分析",以改善用戶體驗和分析。關於谷歌cookies的使用細節,請點擊這裡
  • 谷歌雙擊 - 我們的網站和服務嵌入了谷歌雙擊,用於分析和廣告目的。 有關Google DoubleClick cookies的使用詳情,請點擊這裡
  • Facebook - 我們的網站和服務嵌入了Facebook API,用於社交媒體分享和廣告目的。有關Facebook cookies的使用詳情,請點擊這裡
  • Twitter - 我們的網站和服務嵌入了Twitter的API,用於社交媒體分享和廣告目的。有關Twitter cookies的使用詳情,請點擊這裡這裡
  • Pinterest - 我們的網站和服務已嵌入Pinterest API,用於社交媒體分享和廣告目的。有關Pinterest cookies的使用詳情,請點擊這裡
  • 新浪微博 - 我們的中國市場網站嵌入了新浪微博API,用於社交媒體分享和廣告目的。有關新浪微博cookie的使用詳情,請點擊這裡(僅限簡體中文)。
  • YouTube - 我們網站上的視頻(中國市場網站除外)被托管在YouTube頻道。我們在我們的網站上嵌入一個獨特的YouTube超鏈接以顯示視頻,用於廣告目的。有關YouTube cookies的詳情,請點擊這裡
  • Instagram - 我們的網站和服務嵌入了Instagram API,用於社交媒體分享和廣告目的。有關Instagram cookies的使用細節,請點擊這裡
  • Outbrain - 我們的網站和服務已嵌入Outbrain cookies,用於分析和廣告目的。有關Outbrain cookies的使用詳情,請點擊這裡
  • Taboola - 我們的網站和服務已經嵌入了Taboola cookies,用於分析和廣告目的。有關Taboola cookies的使用細節,請點擊這裡
  • Videology - 我們的網站和服務已嵌入Videology cookies,用於分析和廣告目的。有關Videology cookies使用的詳情,請點擊這裡
  • Sojern - 我們的網站和服務嵌入了用於分析和廣告目的的Sojern cookies。有關Sojern cookies的使用詳情,請點擊這裡
  • Adara - 我們的網站和服務已嵌入Adara cookies,用於分析和廣告目的。有關Adara cookies的使用詳情,請點擊這裡
  • Webtrends - 我們的網站和服務嵌入了Webtrends腳本,用於改善用戶體驗和分析目的。 有關這些cookies的詳情,請點擊這裡

特別是,我們使用Google Analytics(分析)cookies來獲得對訪問者習慣和訪問者數量的總體看法,並幫助改善我們服務的整體體驗。

我們使用谷歌分析,這是一個由谷歌公司提供的第三方網絡分析服務,它使用 "性能cookies "和 "目標cookies "來分析您如何使用本網站。由cookies產生的關於您使用本網站的信息(包括您的IP地址)將被傳輸到谷歌公司並儲存在美國的服務器上。然而,本網站使用谷歌分析,其擴展名為"_anonymizeIp()",這意味著谷歌將對歐盟成員國的IP地址的最後一個八位數進行截獲/匿名化。

谷歌將代表我們使用所收集的信息,以評估您對我們網站的使用情況,編制網站活動報告,並向我們提供與網站活動和互聯網使用有關的其他服務。谷歌不會將您的IP地址與谷歌持有的任何其他數據聯繫起來。你可以通過在你的瀏覽器上選擇適當的設置來拒絕使用cookies,如上所述。此外,您可以通過下載和安裝 下的瀏覽器插件來阻止谷歌對數據(cookies和IP地址)的收集和使用。 您可以通過使用禁用谷歌分析的鏈接來禁用谷歌分析的使用。這個鏈接會創建一個選擇退出的cookie,防止進一步處理您的數據。關於谷歌分析cookies的更多信息,請參見谷歌的幫助頁面和隱私政策。如果您不接受這些cookies的使用,我們不能保證我們的服務將如何為您執行。

4. 管理cookies設置

您可以通過激活您的瀏覽器內的設置來阻止cookies,該設置允許您拒絕所有或部分cookies的設置。 請注意,如果您使用您的瀏覽器設置來阻止所有的cookies(包括必要的cookies),您可能無法訪問我們的全部或部分服務。


關於如何做到這一點的更多信息,請參閱,或按照您的互聯網瀏覽器中的 "幫助 "選項瞭解更多細節。


Cookies Policy

Last updated: 2022-01-01


Life Master Consulting Limited, with a place of business at Room 31, Unit A, 2/F, Jumbo Industrial Building, 189 Wai Yip Street , Kwun Tong, Kowloon ("we", "us" and "our") operate the website ("Website") and other applications and APIs (collectively the "Services").

Our Services uses cookies and other tools to help distinguish you from other users of the Services. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you use the Services and also allows us to improve the Services.


Cookies are small text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded and may be stored on any of your internet enabled devices e.g. your computer, smartphone or tablet - like a memory for a web page. 

This means we automatically collect and store the following information about your visit:

  • the internet domain and IP address from where you access the Service;
  • the type of browser software and operating system used to access the Services and type of device;
  • the date and time you access the Services;
  • if you linked to the Services from another website, the address of that website; and
  • the pages or links you enter, visit and exit the Services from.

We also use other technologies such as web beacons, tracking URLs or SDKs (software development kits). Web beacons are small graphic files that contain a unique identifier that allows us to check whether you have accessed certain content, tracking URLs help us understand where the traffic to our Services comes from, and SDKs are set of programs and tools that allows for the creation of applications, and work similar to cookies and web beacons. For the purposes of this Cookie Policy, all such technologies will be considered 'Cookies'. 

Our Privacy Policy sets out full details of the other information we collect and how we use your personal information.

Please click here to view a list of cookies we use.


We use the following cookies:

  • Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of the Services, and include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of the Services.  They include features, for example, Social Media plug-in; 
  • Analytical/performance cookies.  These cookies allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around and use our Services. This helps us to improve the way our Services work, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily. These cookies are also used to help us understand what interests our users, and measure how effective our advertising is;
  • Functionality cookies. These are used to recognise you when you return to the Services. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences, for example, your choice of language or region, browsing font size etc.; 
  • Location-based cookies. These cookies are used when you are in Hong Kong, to suggest nearby places of interest, give point-to-point navigation to identify your location and send location-based push notifications to you;
  • Targeting cookies. These cookies record your visit to the Services, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make our Services and any material displayed on it more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose; and
  • Advertising cookies. These cookies will remember your preferences, and in general, that you used the Services, to tailor advertising to you and your interests. These cookies are also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of advertisements.

Please note that some cookies on the Website and other parts of the Services are managed by third parties, including, for example, advertising networks, features such as videos, maps and social media API, and providers of external websites like web traffic analysis services. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies or targeting cookies. You should refer to the third parties’ own cookie and privacy policies for information about how they may use your information.

The third party cookies we use in our Services, include but are not limited to:

  • Google – our Website and Services have embedded Google services/tools, such as ‘Google Maps’ and ‘Google Analytics’ for better user experience and analytics purposes. For details of Google cookies usage, please click here.
  • Google DoubleClick – our Website and Services have embedded Google DoubleClick for analytics and advertising purpose.  For details of Google DoubleClick cookies usage, please click here.
  • Facebook – our Website and Services have embedded Facebook API for social media sharing and advertising purpose. For details of Facebook cookies usage, please click here.
  • Twitter – our Website and Services have embedded Twitter API for social media sharing and advertising purpose. For details of Twitter cookies usage, please click here and here.
  • Pinterest – our Website and Services have embedded Pinterest API for social media sharing and advertising purpose. For details of Pinterest cookies usage, please click here.
  • Sina Weibo – our China market site has embedded Sina Weibo API for social media sharing and advertising purpose. For details of Sina Weibo cookies usage, please click here (Simplified Chinese only).
  • YouTube – the videos in our Website (except China market site) are hosted in YouTube channel. We embed a unique YouTube hyperlink to show the video on our Website for  advertising purpose. For details of YouTube cookies, please click here.
  • Instagram – our Website and Services have embedded Instagram API for social media sharing and advertising purpose. For details of Instagram cookies usage, please click here.
  • Outbrain – our Website and Services have embedded Outbrain cookies for analytics and advertising purposes. For details of Outbrain cookies usage, please click here.
  • Taboola – our Website and Services have embedded Taboola cookies for analytics and  advertising purposes. For details of Taboola cookies usage, please click here.
  • Videology – our Website and Services have embedded Videology cookies for analytics and advertising purposes. For details of Videology cookies usage, please click here.
  • Sojern – our Website and Services have embedded Sojern cookies for analytics and advertising purposes. For details of Sojern cookies usage, please click here.
  • Adara – our Website and Services have embedded Adara cookies for analytics and advertising purposes. For details of Adara cookies usage, please click here.
  • Webtrends – our Website and Services have embedded Webtrends scripts for better user experience and analytics purposes.  For details of these cookies, please click here.

In particular, we use Google Analytics cookies to obtain an overall view of visitor habits and visitor volumes, and to help improve the overall experience of our Services.

We use Google Analytics, a third-party web analysis service provided by Google Inc, which uses "performance cookies" and "targeting cookies" to analyse how you use the Website. The information generated by the cookies about your use of the Website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. However, this website uses Google Analytics with the expansion '_anonymizeIp()' which means that Google will truncate/anonymise the last octet of the IP address for Member States of the European Union.

On our behalf Google will use the information collected for the purpose of evaluating your use of our Website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage to us. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser as described above. Furthermore you can prevent Google’s collection and use of data (cookies and IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under  You may disable the use of Google Analytics by using the link disable Google Analytics. This link creates an opt-out cookie which prevents the further processing of your data. For more information about Google Analytics cookies, please see Google's help pages and privacy policy. If you do not accept the use of these cookies, we cannot guarantee how our Services will perform for you.


You can block cookies by activating the setting within your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies.  Please be aware if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our Services.

If you wish to change the cookies settings of our website at any time, you can enable/disable certain cookies using our Cookies Setting here . Please note that some of the services will not function so well if cookies are disabled.

For more information about how to do this, please see, or follow the 'Help' option in your internet browser for more details.